Made with Laravel and AlpineJs

Carlo Eusebi

Web Developer


My journey into the world of programming began in high school, where I immediately developed a profound passion for it. I found programming to be an inherently natural fit, relishing every moment of debugging and problem-solving. Following high school, I briefly diverged from the programming path, working in local factories. However, my enthusiasm for coding was rekindled in 2023 when I discovered myself crafting scripts for video game mods.

This reawakening led me to make a pivotal career decision: to transform my passion for programming into my profession. In pursuit of this goal, I successfully completed the Boolean Full Stack Web Developer course in September 2023. Although I may be lacking extensive professional experience, I have cultivated a strong sense of autonomy in my work, underpinned by robust research, logical reasoning, and creative problem-solving skills.

Beyond my technical expertise, I've honed valuable social and teamwork abilities throughout my life. My successful participation in team-based sports and esports since my youth, as well as hands-on experience in the animation industry during the summer months, has helped me to develop my team and social skills.

My journey thus far has been marked by a deep passion for programming, a commitment to continuous growth, and a diverse skill set that extends beyond the world of code.


Boolean Careers

Master Full Stack Web Developer
04/2023 - 10/2023

Intensive course of 700 hours, encompassing technical and pratical aspects, during wich I had the opportunity to develop both individual and team projects with the goal of creating web appications. Technologies utilized included: Html, Css, Sass, Bootstrap, Javascript, VueJs, PHP, MySQL and Laravel.

High School Diploma

Commercial Expert Accountant and Programmer

I got my first taste of procedural programming through C. It was like diving into a whole new world of breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. That experience not only sharpened my problem-solving skills but also introduced me to the fundamentals of structured programming. To this day, it's where my coding journey all began.


Technical Skills

  • Frontend: Html, Css, Sass, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Javascript, Typescript, Vue 3, AlpineJs;
  • Backend: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, RESTful APIs;
  • Other: Git, Github Workflows, Docker, Linux & Windows

Personal Skills

  • English - C1
  • Problem Solving
  • Teamwork and Communication
  • Deadline and Time Management


JR Full Stack Web Developer Trainee

04/2023 - 10/2023

A 6-month bootcamp during which, thanks to the methods and technologies learned, I had the opportunity to develop both independently and in teams projects aimed at replicating well-known web applications.

Development occurred on both the frontend and backend sides and culminated in the creation of a complete delivery website in all its parts, thanks to careful planning and organization.

Freelancer Work
Psychologic Evaluation Questionnaires management system
Summer 2023

Developed a comprehensive web solution for Dr. Dellasanta, a psychologist, to streamline his practice. The project consists of a contact website made in Laravel Blade, complemented by a dynamic admin panel created with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS.

The implementation of this web solution revolutionized Dr. Dellasanta's practice, eliminating tedious manual tasks, enhancing patient engagement, and improving the overall quality of care. The automation of data collection and result calculation has freed up valuable time, allowing Dr. Dellasanta to focus on providing more personalized support to his patients.


Work in Progress


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    Strada Nazionale Adriatica Sud 145A, Fano PU
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    +39 333 8705977